Riders needed clearing Captain Mountain West trail

July 11, 2019 @ 8:30 am – 3:00 pm America/Denver Timezone
Captain Mountain West
Echo Lake
Co 80439
Dan Lincoln

Dan Lincoln is leading a trail-clearing ride on Captain Mountain West on either July 8 or July 11, depending on when he can get the most helpers. The first 3.5 miles is essential for clearing the way for the weed spraying team later in the summer. If time is available, we will ride another two miles to the place where we quit clearing from the east end of the trail. So round trip will be 7 to 11 miles.

Be ready to ride at 9:30 am.

The entire route to the trailhead is paved. Proceed to Echo Lake on CO103. You can come either from Idaho Springs or Evergreen. The Captain Mountain west and Resthouse trailheads are on the campground loop just east of the Lodge. Generally in the summer, the paved lot on the road is filled with cars, so unless you arrive very early, you cannot park a rig. There is room for two rigs (or three shorter rigs) parked on the west end of the campground loop. The forest service has informed the camp ground host that we may be parking on the campground loop, so there should be no problems with that.