Since 1996, we have preserved trails in the Front Range Forests & Wilderness with our friends and families

Someone has to do it

Our Chapter Vision:

To preserve the use and enjoyment of horses in Colorado’s backcountry, wilderness and front range public areas through our volunteer work in education, safety, maintenance and management assistance of those resources to ensure that those public lands remain open to recreational stock.

See the Back Country Horsemen of America Mission Statement here.

We Train

Conserving our forests and wilderness requires lots of training to use non motorized tools safely in the back country. You will learn about sawyering and other important conservation skills. And guess what? It’s fun!

We Work

In 2024, our chapter contributed over $100,000.00 in labor and materials to conserve our beautiful Front Range. That means we worked really hard clearing trail and educating trail users on safety to ensure enjoyment for all.

We Learn

We host fun horsemanship clinics to improve our skills on horseback - but also on foot to ensure we are at our very best on the trail with other trail users. We are focused on multi trail user education and collaboration.

We Spread Joy

Every Christmas season you will see us and our horses all decked out in holiday attire with plenty of candy to give to the children who join their parents to harvest a Christmas tree in the Buffalo Creek Recreation Area just south of Pine Junction.

We Serve

We serve the U. S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with our many trail maintenance projects to offload the labor they are not funded to fulfill. And guess what? There are lots of things to help with.

We Share

We share our knowledge, service and love of the Front Range with people like you. We also like to share our idea of fun with trail rides and camping trips which bring many smiles and memories.