Spring Horsemanship Clinic

May 5, 2018 @ 8:15 am – 4:30 pm America/Denver Timezone
Bear Creek Park
15600 W Morrison Rd
Morrison, CO 80465
Event Coordinator

Glenn Ryan, Lead Animal Packer-Forest Service Rocky Mountain Regional Specialty Pack String, will be sharing his knowledge of horsemanship, practical wisdom and extensive backcountry experience with us.  Think of it as a spring tune-up for you and your horse. We will spend time in the arena and out on the trails. Bear Creek presents many ways to practice our backcountry skills – water crossings, bridges, varied terrain and bicycles.

Be ready to ride at 9:00 a.m. Bring your own lunch and a lawn chair. Trailer parking is adequate, but carpool if you can. No dogs, please.  Everyone will need to pay their own entrance fee for the park – $7 per vehicle.

Space is limited. Register by April 20. 

Free for FRBCH members, non-members may come and watch.